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Blue meanie strain review

Blue Meanie Mushrooms

Among more than 14,000 varieties of fungi, the Blue Meanie mushroom strain sets itself apart. It’s highly potent and belongs to a different genus than other psychoactive varieties.

Unlike other mushrooms categorized as Psilocybe cubensis genuine Blue Meanies are from the genus Panaeolus. While differing in genus, like other psychoactive mushrooms, it falls under the same legal regulations concerning psilocybin-containing fungi.

Dive in to discover more about this strain. Let’s kick things off with a definition.

The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to promote or encourage the cultivation, consumption, or illegal use of psilocybin mushrooms. The cultivation and consumption of psilocybin mushrooms are federally illegal in the United States. This article is intended to share knowledge about different strains of psilocybin mushrooms from a scientific and taxonomic perspective only.

What Are Blue Meanie Mushrooms?

Renowned for its potency, the Blue Meanie strain, scientifically identified as Panaeolus cyanescens, stands out among typical Psilocybe cubensis varieties. That said, another strain of Blue Meanie exists that is a part of the P. cubensis species. This latter strain is the one we carry on our site. Despite “Blue Meanie” not being formally acknowledged within scientific or mycological vocabularies, it’s gained considerable traction. This popular moniker, often preferred over the formal name, draws its inspiration from characters in The Beatles’ animated film ‘Yellow Submarine’.

Intriguingly, the designation ‘Blue Meanie’ is also applied to a unique variant of Psilocybe cubensis – both variants are known to contain psychoactive components.

Additionally, Panaeolus cyanescens is informally referred to as ‘Pan Cyan.’ This abbreviation derived from its genus and species names is more commonly used by mycology enthusiasts and those fluent in scientific nomenclature than ‘Blue Meanie.’

Regardless of the chosen alias, this species garners attention for its distinctive characteristics and potency.

While there’s no definitive consensus on where these fungi originated from, it’s widely conjectured that they first sprouted in Asia. Built for thriving in warm tropical climates with lean tall structures – this strain has proven adaptability and resilience.

How to Identify Blue Meanies

Blue Meanie mushrooms are small, cute, and relatively easy to identify. They don’t grow tall, reaching 2–5 inches, with caps that are about 0.5–1.6 inches in diameter. When these mushrooms get bruised, they tend to turn blue.

Blue Meanie Mushroom

Here’s a brief checklist to tick off when distinguishing Blue Meanie mushrooms from other species:

  • Cap: Initially brown, caps of young fungi transition to gray or white as they mature. Yellow-brown tones may scatter across the surface, and dry weather can cause cracks to form. It can turn blue (hence the name) and green when damaged.
  • Gills: Broad, tight, semi-attached to the stem, with white edges. Gills are gray in young mushrooms, turning black as they mature.
  • Stem (Stipe): Color matches the cap, occasionally showing pale yellow or pink hues. It bruises blue, is slender and long, with a slightly wider base, and coated in fine white powder. The stem measures 2–5 inches in height and 0.08–0.12 inches in diameter.
  • Spores: Blue Meanie spores are black and dark purple in color, smooth and oval-shaped.

Blue Meanie mushrooms grow commonly worldwide and are resilient in many conditions. They’re more prominent in fertilized grasslands and animal dung, and flourish in tropical areas.

Chemical composition of blue meanie mushrooms

Blue Meanie mushrooms primarily consist of water, carbohydrates, and proteins. Among their notable chemical constituents are psilocybin and psilocin, compounds known for their unique properties and the subject of various scientific studies.

Alongside psilocybin and psilocin, Blue Meanie mushrooms contain other minor compounds such as baeocystin, norbaeocystin, and aeruginascin. The roles of these minor compounds in the mushrooms’ overall makeup are an area of ongoing research, as scientists continue to explore their characteristics and potential applications. It’s important to note, blue meanie spores do not contain psilocybin or psilocin.

Blue Meanie mushrooms primarily consist of water, carbohydrates, and proteins. Among their notable chemical constituents are psilocybin and psilocin, compounds known for their unique properties and the subject of various scientific studies.

Blue Meanie Spore Syringe


Blue Meanie spores are highly favored among mycology enthusiasts. The name “Blue Meanie” refers to the mushroom’s tendency to bruise when damaged.

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Compound Chemical Formula Percentage (%)
Water H2O 85-90
Carbohydrates C6H10O5 5-10
Proteins Amino acids 5-10
Psilocybin C12H17N2O 0.2-0.5
Psilocin C12H16N2O 0.1-0.3
Baeocystin C12H15N2O 0.01-0.02
Norbaeocystin C11H14N2O 0.01-0.02
Aeruginascin C16H13N2O3 0.01-0.02

The exact chemical composition of Blue Meanie mushrooms can vary depending on the strain of the mushroom, the growing conditions, and the age of the mushroom. Additionally, the concentration of psilocybin and psilocin can vary significantly from one mushroom to another.

Exploring the Medical Potential of Blue Meanie Mushrooms

In the realm of mycology, there’s increasing interest in the potential scientific applications of psychoactive mushrooms, including the Blue Meanie strain. These mushrooms are known for their unique compounds, which have sparked scientific curiosity due to their biochemical properties.

Among the compounds present are tryptophan, an amino acid, and serotonin, a neurotransmitter. These components have led researchers to investigate the broader scientific potential of these fungi.

Current scientific investigations are examining how the naturally occurring substances in psychoactive mushrooms like Blue Meanie might be studied for research purposes. These studies are in their early stages and are focused on understanding the biochemical interactions and effects of these compounds.

While there is anecdotal evidence suggesting various potential applications, it’s important to approach these claims cautiously. The field of psychoactive mycology is evolving, with researchers continuously exploring and evaluating the implications of these findings.

Disclaimer: This information is based on preliminary research and is not intended as medical advice. The use of psychoactive fungi for any purposes is subject to legal and scientific scrutiny.

The Role of Blue Meanie Mushrooms in Ecosystems

Like most varieties of fungi, Blue Meanie mushrooms are excellent at decomposing dead plant materials. They break them down into simpler compounds and help maintain the balance of soil nutrients.

In some cases, the strain forms a symbiotic relationship with plants and trees in the region through its underground mycelium. Their primary role in the ecosystem is recycling nutrients to facilitate healthy soil, which keeps it fertile and supports new plant growth.

Beyond their role in nutrient cycling, Blue Meanie mushrooms have exhibited potential in bioremediation, the process of using living organisms to clean up contaminated sites. Some studies suggest that they could be used to degrade pollutants in soil and water.

Research on the ecological roles of Blue Meanie mushrooms is ongoing, and there is still much to learn about their specific contributions to ecosystems.

Blue Meanie Spore Syringe


Blue Meanie spores are highly favored among mycology enthusiasts. The name “Blue Meanie” refers to the mushroom’s tendency to bruise when damaged.

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What We Know and What We Still Have to Discover About Blue Meanie Mushrooms

Now that we’ve explored all the details about the Blue Meanie mushroom strain, we can establish that more research is needed.

There’s still so much we have yet to explore regarding these fantastic fungi. To discover more about mushrooms, check out our informative Fungushead blog.

All of the content and images on our site are for informational reference only. The cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms is federally illegal in the United States. We do not promote the cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms under any circumstances. Do not contact us asking for advice related to this subject. Any products found on this site are for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. None of the mushroom spores we offer are for consumption or cultivation. We do not sell any products containing psilocybin.


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