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How to Store Mushroom Spores

Mushroom Spores

After conducting your research, you might find yourself with more mushroom spore than anticipated.

This is a common scenario for many spore enthusiasts, often unsure about handling the excess.

Should you discard the syringe?

Absolutely not!

Rather, consider storing your mushroom spores for future use. This approach not only saves money but also allows you to begin assembling your own strain library.

While storing spores may seem appealing, you cannot simply place a psilocybe spore syringe in a cupboard and forget it.

Proper preservation of mushroom spores is essential to ensure their viability for future research.

Join us as we explore effective methods for storing psilocybin spores and discuss their longevity.

Let’s delve into this topic without further delay.

Store Your Mushroom Spore Syringe

How Long Do Spore Syringes Last?

Understanding the longevity of mushroom spores within a syringe is crucial.

A few factors determine the expiration date, like the temperature and quality of the container. For the most part, spores in a laboratory-grade syringe left out at room temperature could last up to 30 days.

Recent findings have documented a single mycelium spore remaining dormant for over 250 years, suggesting extended possibilities. 

When preserved in a fridge, syringes filled with mushroom spores can last between four and twelve months. This time could be extended by preventing light exposure and maintaining a constant temperature. 

Mushroom Spores

How to Store Mushroom Spores

Researchers and enthusiasts may apply a unique twist to spore storage, but the process remains straightforward with basic steps:

  1. After research, the syringe should be sterilized with an alcohol wipe.
  2. The protective cap should be secured to prevent the solution from leaking. 
  3. The syringe should then be placed in a sterilized sealable plastic bag, with most air removed upon sealing.
  4. The mushroom spore syringe should be stored in a fridge, where it won’t be disturbed. 
  5. When the time comes to use them again, just remove the syringe and proceed as normal. 

Labeled syringes and bags are a handy tip to prevent mixing up samples, especially for microscopy research.

Why Freezing Spores is a Bad Idea

There’s a common misconception among amateur mycologists suggesting that storing a spore syringe in a freezer is ok.

Mycelium seeds don’t die when exposed to extreme temperatures. Instead, they go into a dormant phase.

That said, freezing a spore syringe is a bad idea as ice crystals form, disrupting the structure of the spores

While some strains of fungi can survive this method, it’s not advisable.

When Do Spores Lose the Ability to Germinate?

Mycelium spores begin germinating when they’re exposed to water and oxygen, much like a plant seed.

It begins with a single mushroom releasing over a billion spores from its gills. These seeds then travel, usually via wind, until they land in a moist area.

Temperature plays a vital part in the germination of spores. Anything too hot or too cold prevents this growing process from triggering.

Once the spore senses that the conditions and moisture levels are favorable, a network of individual threads, known as hyphae, spreads out.

Mushroom Spores

As a collective, these growing tentacles are known as a gametophyte. It’s during this stage that the mycelium begins producing its reproductive cells and spreads.

The time it takes spores to germinate depends on the strain and can range anywhere from 5 minutes to 19 days.

This initial growing process occurs without the need for any external equipment. Everything the spores need to survive and germinate is located within them.

Resources and More for Amateur Microscopy and Mushroom Spores

For many years, the teachings of magic mushrooms and their benefits have been covered up.

Through the perseverance of the mycelium community, these incredible strains are finding their way back into our lives.

To avoid any confusion and advance your understanding of mushrooms, we invite you to check out our blogs. We provide expert information and advice that remains up-to-date with mushroom-related legislation in the US.

Discover guides on microscopy advances and other interesting shroom-related content. Head over to our Fungushead store for a range of quality spore syringes and begin your mycology journey today!

All of the content and images on our site are for informational reference only. The cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms is federally illegal in the United States. We do not promote the cultivation of psilocybin “magic” mushrooms under any circumstances. Do not contact us asking for advice related to this subject. Any products found on this site are for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. None of the psilocybin mushroom spores we offer are for consumption or cultivation. We do not sell any products containing psilocybin.

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