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The Secret Dialogues of Fungi: Uncovering the Communications of Mushrooms

Can Mushrooms Communicate with One Another

A recurring theme among researchers is the potential for communication within mycelium networks. New research into these networks has some fascinating implications. Keep reading and find out more.

The Language of Life

The ability to relay information is an essential tool for any organism. From the basic clicks of insects to the complex linguistic systems we humans employ, communication is widespread in the natural world.

There are three prerequisites for communication. First, you need a way to gather external data. Second, a means of processing it in an intelligible form. Finally, you must turn that evaluated information into a response or action.

Unlike mushrooms and fungi, sensory organs and nerves gather data about the external environment in the animal kingdom. The nervous system then sends that information to the brain, where it’s processed. Once evaluated, the brain sends a response signal back through the nervous system.

This same process governs more advanced communication systems such as speech and language. When we talk, we subconsciously obey a complex series of “orders” sent from our brain through our nervous system.

These electrical impulses form a nervous “language,” and the patterns they develop are reasonably well understood by scientists much more intelligent than us.

It’s not only animals that communicate. Plants also show signs of “talking” to one another to transmit data about environmental factors. While they don’t possess a nervous system, they have other means to relay information.

Plants communicate in three main ways; through the use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), via electrical signaling, and through mycorrhizal networks. If both plants and animals have the ability to communicate, what about mushrooms and mycelial networks?

mycelium networks

An Electrifying Study of Mushrooms

The ability to relay information is an essential tool for any organism. From the basic clicks of insects to the complex linguistic systems we humans employ, communication is widespread in the natural world.

There are three prerequisites for communication. First, you need a way to gather external data. Second, a means of processing it in an intelligible form. Finally, you must turn that evaluated information into a response or action.

Unlike mushrooms and fungi, sensory organs and nerves gather data about the external environment in the animal kingdom. The nervous system then sends that information to the brain, where it’s processed. Once evaluated, the brain sends a response signal back through the nervous system.

This same process governs more advanced communication systems such as speech and language. When we talk, we subconsciously obey a complex series of “orders” sent from our brain through our nervous system.

These electrical impulses form a nervous “language,” and the patterns they develop are reasonably well understood by scientists much more intelligent than us.

It’s not only animals that communicate. Plants also show signs of “talking” to one another to transmit data about environmental factors. While they don’t possess a nervous system, they have other means to relay information.

Plants communicate in three main ways; through the use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), via electrical signaling, and through mycorrhizal networks. If both plants and animals have the ability to communicate, what about mushrooms and mycelial networks?

mycelium networks

Humans Talking To Mushrooms

Does this mean we’ll be chatting with chanterelles shortly? The answer, it seems, rather disappointingly, is probably not. Adamatsky said it’s impossible to ascribe a relationship between these signals and human speech, despite the observed similarities.

While the research shows that mushrooms and fungi produce non-random groupings of electric signals, their function and meaning remain unknown. Adamatsky suggested that they could function similarly to animal calls but also admitted that they could be meaningless.

Other scientists have applauded Adamatsky’s creativity but urged readers of this study of mushrooms to curb their enthusiasm. Dan Bebber, a mycologist from the University of Exeter, suggested that the spikes could be related to nutrient pulsing in fungi.

It’s clear that there’s still much to be learned about mycelium networks and their function. Despite its speculative nature, Adamatsky’s research poses some intriguing questions that, hopefully, further research could answer.

One can’t help but wonder what the results of a similar study of various mushroom species might show. Until more conclusive data comes in, the mushrooms will have to continue communicating amongst themselves.

A Topic With Mushroom for Debate

This latest study of mushrooms seems to have reignited interest in these intriguing organisms. While the top minds have yet to reach a consensus, it’s certainly a fascinating topic to ponder and discuss.

Mushrooms having a language of their own might seem far-fetched, but we wager stranger things have happened. Why not grab some high-quality spores and carry out your own research? Who knows, some light observation could be just what your mushroom spores are lacking.

All of the content and images on our site are for informational reference only. The cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms is federally illegal in the United States. We do not promote the cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms under any circumstances. Do not contact us asking for advice related to this subject. Any products found on this site are for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. None of the mushroom spores we offer are for consumption or cultivation. We do not sell any products containing psilocybin.


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