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The Future of Psilocybin Legalization

legal magic mushrooms

While there is growing interest and evolving legal frameworks surrounding psilocybin, it remains illegal in many jurisdictions. Its use as a medical treatment is still under research, and its long-term effects are not fully understood. Psilocybin-assisted therapy is a new field and should only be considered under the supervision of qualified healthcare professionals. This article does not endorse illegal activities or suggest psilocybin as a cure-all for any condition. It is intended for educational purposes only.

Discover how psilocybin laws are changing, what the science says, and why legalization may become a reality—sooner than we think.

What Does a Future With Legal Psilocybin Look Like?

Psilocybin research already showed promise in the 1950s and 1960s. But when psychedelics became associated with counterculture and rising opposition against the Vietnam war, shrooms were effectively demonized. Public hysteria (think Reefer Madness), knee-jerk law reforms, and later, Nixon’s infamous “War on Drugs” stifled further research into psilocybin. Five decades later, it’s still classified as a Schedule I drug (along with heroin, fentanyl, and other dangerous compounds). But change is on the horizon.

“Because the evidence supporting psilocybin’s efficacy and low abuse potential is at least as strong as the data regarding cannabis, the legislative pathway should be a viable option.” 

Mason Marks, member of the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board, Senior Fellow, and Project Lead on the Psychedelics Law and Regulation Project at Harvard University

In 2019, Denver became the first U.S. city to effectively “decriminalize” psilocybin. In legal terms, personal possession and use of magic mushrooms is now the lowest law enforcement priority. It’s not the same as full legalization, but it’s a start—one that sparked psilocybin law reform all around the country. Since then, various cities have taken similar steps, including:

  • Santa Cruz and Oakland (California)
  • Cambridge, Northampton, Easthampton, and Somerville (Massachusetts)
  • Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, and Detroit (Michigan)
  • Seattle and Port Townsend (Washington)

In November 2020, Oregon lawmakers became the vanguard of legal magic mushrooms with Measure 109, essentially legalizing psilocybin for therapeutic use. Measure 110 also went into effect in February 2021, which decriminalizes personal possession. Legal psilocybin measures are sprouting up all around the U.S.

Who Knows? The legal landscape regarding the cultivation and consumption of Golden Teacher shrooms may change in the future. Until then, we encourage adherence to current laws and recommend exploring these spores through microscopic observation for educational and research purposes. You never know what you may discover!

Legal Psilocybin

As to the legalization of the mushrooms themselves, here are some noteworthy developments:

  • Colorado became the first state to deprioritize law enforcement for psilocybin use in 2019. It later passed HB19-1263, rendering possession of up to four grams of shrooms a level one misdemeanor (along with other Schedule I and II substances). 
  • Washington D.C. approved Measure 81 making personal cultivation, distribution, possession, and use of entheogenic plants and fungi (including psilocybin) among the lowest law enforcement priorities.
  • Connecticut passed SB 1083 in 2021, calling for a working group to study the medical use of psilocybin.
  • New Jersey passed SB 3256 in 2021, reducing the penalty for personal possession of psilocybin.
  • Texas passed HB 1802 in 2021, calling for a working group to study the therapeutic efficacy of certain psychedelics, including psilocybin.
  • Washington state passed SB 5476reducing the penalty for personal possession of psilocybin.
  • Texas passed HB 1802 in 2021, calling for a working group to study the therapeutic efficacy of certain psychedelics, including psilocybin.
  • Washington state passed SB 5476, reducing the penalties for personal use and possession of scheduled drugs (including shrooms) to a misdemeanor.

Various other states, including California, Florida, Hawaii, and New York, have introduced legislation ranging from research and decriminalization to full legalization.

How Science is Shedding Positivity on Magic Mushrooms – and What This Means for Legality

In the U.S., depression rates tripled in the early months of the pandemic, suicide remains the 10th biggest leading cause of death, and overdose deaths rose by almost 30% in December 2020—70.6% of which were opioid-related. The Psychedelic Renaissance couldn’t have come at a better time.

Increasingly, medical and mental health experts are realizing the need for more holistic treatments, and arguably, legal psilocybin is chief among them. Researchers are increasingly exploring what shamans, healers, and spiritualists across various cultures have long suggested: that magic mushrooms possess significant properties that could have potential implications in the field of healing and therapy.

Psilocybin is currently being researched for its potential in neuroregeneration – the ability to form new neural pathways in the brain, which are essential for habits and behaviors. This process can lead to the development of new perceptions and thought patterns. Researchers are investigating the broader therapeutic applications of psilocybin. While these studies show promise, it’s important to remember that psilocybin is still classified as a controlled substance in many areas, and its therapeutic use is in the experimental stage pending further research and regulatory approvals. Before Oregon became the first state to legalize psilocybin-assisted therapy, its Psilocybin Advisory Board submitted a Rapid Evidence Review. They evaluated over 270 pieces of scientific literature meeting the World Health Organization’s review standards.

Oregon’s lawmakers would never have taken the bold step to legalize psilocybin-assisted therapy if there wasn’t sufficient evidence to support their decision. More states will likely follow a similar approach in the not-so-distant future—thanks to ongoing scientific research.

Our research has demonstrated therapeutic effects in people who suffer a range of challenging conditions including addiction (smoking, alcohol, other drugs of abuse), existential distress caused by life-threatening disease, and treatment-resistant depressionJohn Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research.

Public perceptions are changing, investments are skyrocketing, and legal frameworks are evolving as research supporting the safety, efficacy, and therapeutic benefits of psilocybin continues to emerge. 

Here are a few key highlights:

  • In 2018 and 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) designated psilocybin as a breakthrough therapy for treating MDD and TRD.
  • In 2021, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded the first therapeutic psilocybin research grant in more than 50 years to the John Hopkins School of Medicine.
  • A 2021 study published in the peer-reviewed New England Journal of Medicine showed that psilocybin is just as effective as the anti-depressant, Escitalopram.
  • The psychedelics sector is estimated to bring in around $6.8 billion by 2027.

We may have a ways to go before legal psilocybin becomes a reality, but the growing number of scientific studies, research, and clinical trials are an excellent sign.

Why Now Is a Great Time to Start Researching Magic Mushrooms for Yourself

As we enter a new era of psychedelics, outdated stigmas, and misperceptions are dying out. Nowadays, more and more people want to know where to buy magic mushrooms. One day, we hope to give you an answer. Oregon has already made history, and many other states and cities have moved towards decriminalization.

While you wait and see how legal psilocybin measures and research efforts pan out across the U.S., why not get a headstart and take up mycology for fun?

Is It Legal to Buy Magic Mushroom Spores?

Magic mushroom spores are garnering increasing interest, and yes, they are legal in most U.S. states. This legality stems from the fact that the spores themselves do not contain psilocybin. You can explore a variety of magic mushroom strain spores through our online store for microscopy and taxonomy purposes. Available strains include Penis Envy, Blue Meanie, Golden Teachers, and more. While purchasing our spores is legal in 47 of the 50 states, we strongly advise you to stay informed about your state’s specific laws to ensure compliance.

Discover the fascinating world of mycology by visiting our online store now. Begin your educational journey into the intricate and diverse realm of fungi today.

All of the content and images on our site are for informational reference only. The cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms is federally illegal in the United States. We do not promote the cultivation of psilocybin “magic” mushrooms under any circumstances. Do not contact us asking for advice related to this subject. Any products found on this site are for microscopy and taxonomy purposes only. None of the psilocybin mushroom spores we offer are for consumption or cultivation. We do not sell any products containing psilocybin.


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